Monday, September 28, 2009

A good old fashioned folly.

As summer turns into a hot and smokey fall, the abundant harvest of our tiny veggie garden continues. I share my husband's passion for cooking fresh food, an creativity has become a key word in figuring out what to do with five cucumbers and 14 tomatoes picked ripe each day. Just in the past month we have explored new recipes, like, babagonoush, scratch tomato soup, Italian fennel sausages..... and so on. It's true what they say about the magic in food bringing families together and feeding the soul.

After boasting about how fabulous fresh tomato soup was, I came home to find 12 juicy ripe tomatoes. I started the long arduous process of coring, splitting and stewing two batches of tomatoes. After peeling and seeding them, I diced and simmered them for time enough to flavor. Then it was time to puree them, I carefully fit the lid onto the blender and turned it on low. Flipping the switch to high, I thoughtlessly released my hand from the lid to grab a cherry tomato and pop it into my mouth. Heat and velocity sent pressure to the lid, painting my entire kitchen a pretty chunky red splatter. I quickly shut off the blender, and stood in disbelief at a mess so impressive, I couldn't help but laugh. After taking a photo and sending it to my mother, I cleaned EVERYTHING! It was everywhere, seriously. I found tomato in the living room, barely missing a cherished painting. I had to wipe down the dog! The real bummer was that I lost half of the puree in the accident. With whatever I had left I finished the recipe. All that work and I came out with only two small bowls of soup! Small reward, but oh so worth it!!

It's a good 'ole fashioned recipe, that turned into a good 'ole fashioned folly.