Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Spring cleaning in Fall

As a part time student and full time retail goddess, I don't often find the time be the ideal housewife. Some would say I shouldn't even put a label on what it is I do, but let's be honest, that some wouldn't give credit to how hard a wife works. The modern housewife isn't really a "house"wife. She contributes financially, cooks, cleans, raises the children and looks pretty for her man. Right? No. Even thought the roles of men and women have meshed in the past 50 years, somethings men leave all to us, not out of spite, but as instinct or habit.

Lets look at spring cleaning for example. My husband wouldn't get to the point of fed-up with a disorganized pantry and tear it apart, clean the shelves and reorganize everything according to relevance. That doesn't make him a bad person. It just means I have to do it. And probably for the best because I would want it done my way.

This Spring was particularly hectic for me. I had my current job of 30 hours a week, school 20 hours a week, my household to run and a dying grandmother to take care of. Things piled up. The most used rooms of my house were "mostly" clean. Everything else, forget it. When my in-laws decided to come visit, I couldn't even get into the guest bedroom, somehow anything I didn't know what to do with ended up here. After reading the will my grandmother had made before her passing in late April, I found out she left everything up to me to take care of. That meant her things ended up ..... in my guest bedroom!

Now, just weeks away from Fall, I'm fed up. I have spent the last three days cleaning the guest bedroom, organizing photo albums, tearing apart cupboards, reorganizing, recycling, donating, dusting, stopping on occasion for a sandwich and a beer. It may be late, but damn, it feels good to purge.

Even though the modern housewife, doesn't always stay home, she is still in charge of the house. And even though I'm tired at the end of the day, I make time to be pretty for my man.

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